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有机芦荟凝胶基质中混合了从水果中天然提取的酶、肽和干细胞,有助于重新平衡、再生和恢复皮肤,以保持年轻。然后涂上保湿平衡面膜,用有机绿茶和其他抗氧化剂舒缓和沐浴皮肤。 适合非常敏感、干燥、受刺激的皮肤,甚至孕妇。


维生素 C  果皮

高剂量的维生素 C、羟基酸和酶共同作用以加速细胞更新。积雪草干细胞的新技术支持容易酒渣鼻/发红的皮肤,而植物性排毒和活力复合物仅在一次疗程中即可产生显着效果。适用于容易发红、干燥/脱水、吸烟者的皮肤、疲倦/暗沉、磨皮后、油性/粉刺皮肤。




Enerpeel® 是一种新的获得专利的载体溶液,它超越了破坏表层皮肤而渗透到下方新皮肤的传统果皮,它可以抑制酸的活性,直到它被吸收,从而增强其活性。这提供了均匀、增强的活性成分吸收,皮肤渗透性提高了两到三倍。适用于色斑、老化、干燥缺水、肤色不均、老年斑、泛红肌肤。


Modified Jessner's Peel 是一种表层化学果皮,含有 AHA(即乳酸)和 BHA(即水杨酸)以及曲酸和间苯二酚。它可以去除皮肤表层和中间层上部的皮肤细胞。 This  解决方案也可以添加到其他剥离解决方案中,以提高它们对疤痕和色素沉着的有效性。




A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to exfoliate and remove the outer layers of dead skin cells. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation: Before undergoing a chemical peel, you will have a consultation with a qualified skincare professional to assess your skin type, discuss your medical history, and answer any questions you may have.

  2. Preparation: On the day of your procedure, your skincare professional will clean your skin and may apply a numbing cream or a cooling device to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

  3. Application: Once your skin is prepped, your skincare professional will apply the chemical solution to your skin. The solution may contain alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), or phenol, depending on the depth of the peel.

  4. Reaction: As the chemical solution reacts with your skin, you may feel a mild burning or stinging sensation. Your skincare professional will monitor your skin closely to ensure that the peel is not causing excessive irritation or damage.

  5. Neutralization: After the desired depth of the peel is achieved, your skincare professional will neutralize the chemical solution with water or a special solution.

  6. Recovery: After the procedure, you may experience redness, swelling, and peeling for several days to a week, depending on the depth of the peel. Your skincare professional will provide you with specific aftercare instructions, such as avoiding sun exposure and using moisturizer.

  7. Results: Most patients experience smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin after a chemical peel. However, the results of the treatment may vary depending on the depth of the peel and the individual's skin type and condition.


It is important to note that a chemical peel is not suitable for everyone. Your skincare professional will assess your eligibility for the procedure and recommend the best treatment option for your individual needs. Additionally, it is important to follow all aftercare instructions to minimize the risk of complications and ensure optimal results.



乌节路 290 号,#12-01 Paragon Medical

(大堂 E & F), 新加坡 238859

週一至週五                  8:30 am - 5:30 pm

午餐時間                    12:00 pm -1:00 pm

星期六                        8:30 am -12:30 pm




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